Is Creep Based On A True Story?

Have you watched the movie Creep? The realistic nature and the found footage style adapted in the movie make people wonder whether it is a true story or not.

Creep is a psychological and crime thriller movie in which the director Patrick Brice has used the technique of found footage film. The movie was released in the year 2014 and a sequel to the original movie was later released in 2017.

The movie Creep is a fictional story but the director has used some techniques to make it look more realistic and natural. The ending of the movie was horrifying.

Is The Movie Creep Based On A True Story?

The movie Creep is not based on a true story however the writer of the movie took inspiration from other horror stories and movies. It is different from traditional horror movies which create a lot of fear in the minds of the audience.

The director of the movie adapted an innovative approach to storytelling and suspense. The found footage style of the film and the absence of background music make the movie seem more realistic and natural, which makes it scarier than usual horror movies.

What Is The Plot Of The Movie Creep?

The plot of the movie revolves around Josef who hires a videographer named Aaron to record his videos. Aaron is disturbed by the usual behaviour of Josef and Angela warns him to stay away from him. He successfully managed to get away but later received many DVDs from Josef.

The police were trying to catch Josef but failed every time. Josef asked Aaron to meet and he agreed because he trusted him and believed that he would not harm him. Josef killed Aaron and he also recorded his murder.

What Happens At The End Of The Movie Creep?

At the end of the movie, Aaron agrees to meet Josef in a park during the time as suggested by the Police. He had a camera on him and also connected with the police by phone call. He was quietly waiting for Josef sitting on a bench. Josef came from the back and attacked his head with an axe and Aaron died. 

Josef revealed later that Aaron was one of his favorite victims as he was easy to kill because he trusted him. Josef was still not caught by the police and was preparing for his next victim. This suggests the next sequel of the film which was later released in 2017, Creep 2. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is The Movie Creep So Scary?

The absence of background music and the found footage style make it seem more realistic and scary.

Who Is The Killer In The Movie Creep?

Josef is a serial killer in the movie Creep and its sequel, Creep 2.


This was all you needed to know about one of the creepiest, dark, psychological, and crime movies, Creep (2014). This movie is not based on any real-life person or a true story.

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